Category Archives: Canada Community Colleges

Colleges in Ottawa Are Worth A Look

From the rooftops, the bright-eyed high school graduates yells, “Ontario Colleges Ontario colleges!” It’s not surprise that Ontario college programs don’t get the same level of interest, attention, and academic respect as their university brethren. Indeed, a college education in Canada has always been viewed more of a skill training institution. And while that’s certainly…

Colleges In Toronto

When looking at community colleges for your post-secondary education, you need to cast a wide net and then slowly reel it in to the specific programs and colleges you are interested in. Some community colleges offer highly specialized programs that are not only industry-recognized, but highly sought after and desirable. Sheridan College for example, is…

Our Canada College List

A comprehensive Canada colleges list is a crucial starting point for your research. Unlike the United States, Canadian community colleges are distinctly different from universities. Both Community and Career colleges generally refer to learning a technical skill or “applied” science and/or arts. Universities, of course, are degree granting institutions. If this isn’t confusing enough, there…